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Circles and Ovals Set





Single round object

Subject with light behind

Subject from side

Subject not in center

Multiple round objects


       I made my photos more interesting by choosing objects with cool/ different textures that would create weird shadows. I also tried to find unique lighting that would highlight the subject and bring out different colors or patterns.  I love most of my backgrounds because I really tried to make them as important as the actual object being shot. I think with this set, I decided to place my subjects where they would actually work well with the background so it could add to the photo instead of being distracting. My favorite picture is the single marble because it looks like there's a galaxy inside and it looks painted. My least favorite image would have to be the red flower just because I don't think it fits well in the set and the background takes away from the picture. Moving forward, I want to continue to find/ use more interesting backgrounds and maybe try some more really close up shots. 

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