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      This is my self portrait linocut that I designed, and I used a personal picture as reference to start off with. I chose draw out a sun with rays, several different planets, and alternated my darks and lights to create contrast in the background. The main subject is myself in the center, and I used different types of stripes, along with hatch work, to create medium values in the shadows of my face. I used mostly a size one tip on almost all of my linocut to create lots of small details, and a size 5 tip when carving out the sun's rays. I wanted to create a more surreal concept in my piece through the background to differentiate from other self portraits. I embraced the chatter when creating my block too because I really wanted to emphasize that it was a homemade print. I really enjoyed how the lighter parts of my piece came out, like my hair and the rays, because it offset a lot of the darker tones. Carving out the details was extremely hard, and if I were to do this again I'd make it more simple. Overall I enjoy how the piece does look unrealistic like I wanted, but would try to create more hatching/white spots on my body and head to lighten it up. 

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