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Portrait Set

3 Candid Shots:


3 pet/animal shots:

2 "Formal" Portraits:

2 Group Shots:

2 Choice:

Peter Max Style Portrait:

Andy Warhol Style Portrait:

Scribble/ text Portrait:


To capture the personality of whoever I was photographing, I made sure they were comfortable and warned them beforehand that I'd need to take some pictures. After telling them that, it was really easy to get photos where they were truly being themselves and didn't worry about how they looked. Also, I posed my mom and brother for my formal portraits the same way they normally sit to capture their more natural selves. I don't think my candids were that successful just because I didn't have good lighting in the settings where I wanted to take them. I do like the one of my brother at the hockey rink though because the lights right above him created cool shadows on his face. My friend Annie had a hard time in the movie theater trying to keep a straight face so her expression was a little forced. I like the way my pet/ animal pictures turned out though because I normally can't get them to stop moving long enough for a decent photo. In order to make sure they weren't forcing an expression, I tried to make them laugh so that they'd be more relaxed after. The strategy I used to get a "perfect" shot was trying to get really straight on angles so that I knew right as I took the picture what it would look like and I didn't need to crop. I did like editing this set and my three favorites were the one of my brother in the candid, my brothers formal shot, and the first picture of my dog.

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